As Principal at GRAYBOX, it's my role and privilege to be our liaison to the local marketing and design community — it's a tall order, but it's a critical function to help us become known in the Portland market and to show off our skills.
This is why I'm proud to announce that GRAYBOX has partnered with a few other great Portland marketers to form the 18 Lessons conference. It's an all-day event — we'll have six sessions, each by an expert in their fields. We'll have sessions on video production, branding, story boarding, web development, account management and I'll leading a session on UI design.
My session is about a critical topic — Designing Web Sites for Conversion (not Ego). I'll guide you through key questions that will help your organization optimize your designs for conversion rate optimization instead of personal visual preferences.
The event is January 30th at McMenamin's Edgefield — only $177 (until Dec 30th) for your all access pass and Breakfast/Lunch/Snacks included. We guarantee you'll learn at least a few tips to improve your craft.
Now is the time to invest in your career — I hope to see you at 18 Lessons in January!