If you have added a product to your store and it isn't showing up in the storefront, here's a list of settings to check:

- Choose Store View: Before you start pulling your hair out, make sure you have the correct store selected to determine the scope of your config. Select your "Default Store View" (or whatever store you are editing)
- Status: "Enabled"
- Visibility: You can either select "Catalog" or "Catalog/Search"
- Inventory: Make sure you either have "Manage Stock" set to "no", OR you have a quantity in the Qty box AND "Stock Availability" set to "In Stock"
- Categories: If you cannot find the product in the desired category, make sure to select at least one category for this product. You can also add products to categories from the category manager under the tab "Category Products"
- Cache and Indexes: Finally, as with most things in Magento - make sure you clear your cache (system -> cache management) and update your indexes (system -> index management)