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Online Storefront Development & Design

Nuun is a sports hydration company that initially found GRAYBOX after searching for ExpressionEngine experts that were attentive and supportive. Although Nuun had a website, GRAYBOX, redesigned and developed their EE site from ground up, while syncing their storefront with Nuun's NetSuite system. The new store has resulted in great success, increasing sales by over 200%, and doubling most online engagement metrics.

When our com­pa­ny decid­ed to com­mit to a new web­site, I was both opti­mistic and ter­ri­fied – opti­mistic for the increased impact and oppor­tu­ni­ties it could bring Nuun, but ter­ri­fied for what has been (with oth­er com­pa­nies) a chal­leng­ing and dif­fi­cult process. How­ev­er, I shouldn’t have been wor­ried — GRAYBOX was a plea­sure to work with. The entire team was proac­tive, solu­tion-ori­ent­ed, and col­lab­o­ra­tive from start to fin­ish, and kept us in the know with great com­mu­ni­ca­tion dur­ing a tricky web­store inte­gra­tion. Since the launch of the new site our traf­fic and per­for­mance have improved dra­mat­i­cal­ly, and con­sumers and employ­ees alike spend more time engaged on the site due to the qual­i­ty of con­tent and new­found usabil­i­ty. Many thanks to our part­ners at GRAYBOX!

Arielle Knutson, Brand Manager, Nuun

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