Commons:Featured picture candidates

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Featured picture candidates

Featured picture candidates are images that the community will vote on, to determine whether or not they will be highlighted as some of the finest on Commons. This page lists the candidates to become featured pictures. The picture of the day images are selected from featured pictures.

Old candidates for Featured pictures are listed here. There are also chronological lists of featured pictures: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and current month.

For another overview of our finest pictures, take a look at our annual picture of the year election.

Formal things[edit]


Guidelines for nominators[edit]

Please read the complete guidelines before nominating.

This is a summary of what to look for when submitting and reviewing FP candidates:

  • Licensing – Images licensed with solely "GFDL" or "GFDL and an NC-only license" are not acceptable due the restrictions placed on re-use by these licenses.
  • Resolution – Raster images of lower resolution than 2 million pixels (pixels, not bytes) are typically rejected unless there are strong mitigating reasons. This does not apply to vector graphics (SVGs).
    • Graphics on Commons are not only viewed on conventional computer screens. They may be used in high-resolution print versions, and the images may be cropped to focus on portions of the image. See Commons:Why we need high resolution media for more information.
  • Scans – While not official policy, Help:Scanning provides advice on the preparation of various types of images that may be useful.
  • General quality – pictures being nominated should be of high technical quality.
  • Digital manipulations must not deceive the viewer. Digital manipulation for the purpose of correcting flaws in an image is generally acceptable, provided it is limited, well-done, and not intended to deceive.
    • For photographs, typical acceptable manipulations include cropping, perspective correction, sharpening/blurring, and color/exposure correction. More extensive manipulations, such as removal of distracting background elements, should be clearly described in the image text, by means of the {{Retouched picture}} template. Undescribed or mis-described manipulations which cause the main subject to be misrepresented are never acceptable. For images made from more than one photo, you can use the {{Panorama}} or {{Focus stacked image}} templates.
    • For historic images, acceptable manipulations might include digitally fixing rips, removal of stains, cleanup of dirt, and, for mass-produced artworks such as engravings, removal of flaws inherent to the particular reproduction, such as over-inking. Careful color adjustments may be used to bring out the original work from the signs of ageing, though care should be taken to restore a natural appearance. The original artistic intent should be considered when deciding whether it is appropriate to make a change. Edits to historic material should be documented in detail within the file description, and an unedited version should be uploaded and cross linked for comparison.
  • Valueour main goal is to feature most valuable pictures from all others. Pictures should be in some way special, so please be aware that:
    • almost all sunsets are aesthetically pleasing, and most such pictures are not in essence different from others,
    • night-shots are pretty but normally more details can be shown on pictures taken at daytime,
    • beautiful does not always mean valuable.
Artworks, illustrations, and historical documents[edit]

There are many different types of non-photographic media, including engravings, watercolors, paintings, etchings, and various others. Hence, it is difficult to set hard-and-fast guidelines. However, generally speaking, works can be divided into three types: Those that can be scanned, those that must be photographed, and those specifically created to illustrate a subject.

Works that must be photographed include most paintings, sculptures, works too delicate or too unique to allow them to be put on a scanner, and so on. For these, the requirements for photography, below, may be mostly followed; however, it should be noted that photographs which cut off part of the original painting are generally not considered featurable.

Works that may be scanned include most works created by processes that allow for mass distribution − for instance, illustrations published with novels. For these, it is generally accepted that a certain amount of extra manipulation is permissible to remove flaws inherent to one copy of the work, since the particular copy – of which hundreds, or even thousands of copies also exist – is not so important as the work itself.

Works created to serve a purpose include diagrams, scientific illustrations, and demonstrations of contemporary artistic styles. For these, the main requirement is that they serve their purpose well.

Provided the reproduction is of high quality, an artwork generally only needs one of the following four things to be featurable:

  • Notable in its own right: Works by major artists, or works that are otherwise notable, such as the subjects of a controversy.
  • Of high artistic merit: Works which, while not particularly well known, are nonetheless wonderful examples of their particular type or school of art.
  • Of high historic merit: The historical method values very early illustrations of scenes and events over later ones. Hence, a work of poor quality depicting a contemporaneous historical event can be nonetheless important, even if the artistic merit is relatively low. Likewise, scans or photographs of important documents – which may not be at all artistic – nonetheless may be highly valuable if the documents are historically significant. The reason for the image's historical importance should be briefly stated in the nomination, for those reviewers unfamiliar with the subject.
  • Of high illustrative merit: Works that illustrate or help explain notable subjects, for instance, illustrations of books, scientific subjects, or technical processes. The amount of artistic merit required for these will vary by subject, but, for instance, an illustration that makes the working of a complicated piece of machinery very clear need not be notable as a piece of artwork as well, whereas an illustration for a book might well be expected to reach much higher artistic standards.

Digital restorations must also be well documented. An unedited version of the image should be uploaded locally, when possible, and cross-linked from the file description page. Edit notes should be specified in detail, such as "Rotated and cropped. Dirt, scratches, and stains removed. Histogram adjusted and colors balanced."


On the technical side, we have focus, exposure, composition, movement control and depth of field.

  • Focus – every important object in the picture should normally be sharp.
  • Exposure refers to the shutter diaphragm combination that renders an image with a tonal curve that ideally is able to represent in acceptable detail shadows and highlights within the image. This is called latitude. Images can be on the low side of the tonal curve (low range), the middle (middle range) or high side (upper range). Lack of shadow detail is not necessarily a negative characteristic. In fact, it can be part of the desired effect. Burned highlights in large areas are a distracting element.
  • Composition refers to the arrangement of the elements within the image. The "Rule of thirds" is one useful guideline. Horizons should almost never be placed in the middle, where they "cut" the image in half. Often, a horizon creating a top or bottom third of the space works better. The main idea is to use space to create a dynamic image.
    • Foreground and background – foreground and background objects may be distracting. You should check that something in front of the subject doesn't hide important elements and that something in background doesn't spoil the composition (for example that the streetlight doesn't "stand" on someone's head).
  • Movement control refers to the manner in which motion is represented in the image. Motion can be frozen or blurred. Neither one is better than the other. It is the intention of representation. Movement is relative within the objects of the image. For example, photographing a race car that appears frozen in relation to the background does not give us a sense of speed or motion, so technique dictates to represent the car in a frozen manner but with a blurred background, thus creating the sense of motion, this is called "panning". On the other hand, representing a basketball player in a high jump frozen in relation to everything else, due to the "unnatural" nature of the pose would be a good photograph.
  • Depth of field (DOF) refers to the area in focus in front of and beyond main subject. Depth of field is chosen according to the specific needs of every picture. Large or small DOF can either way add or subtract to the quality of the image. Low depth of field can be used to bring attention to the main subject, separating it from the general environment. High depth of field can be used to emphasize space. Short focal length lenses (wide angles) yield large DOF, and vice versa, long focal lenses (telephotos) have shallow DOF. Small apertures yield large DOF and conversely, large apertures yield shallow DOF.

On the graphic elements we have shape, volume, color, texture, perspective, balance, proportion, noise, etc.

  • Shape refers to the contour of the main subjects.
  • Volume refers to the three dimensional quality of the object. This is accomplished using side light. Contrary to general belief, front lighting is not the best light. It tends to flatten subject. Best light of day is early morning or late afternoon.
  • Color is important. Oversaturated colors are not good.
  • Texture refers to the quality of the surface of the subject. It is enhanced by side lighting… it is the "feel" to the touch.
  • Perspective refers to the "angle" accompanied by lines that disappear into a vanishing point that may or may not be inside the image.
  • Balance refers to the arrangement of subjects within the image that can either give equal weight or appear to be heavier on one side.
  • Proportion refers to the relation of size of objects in picture. Generally, we tend to represent small objects small in relation to others, but a good technique is to represent small objects large contrary to natural size relationship. For example, a small flower is given preponderance over a large mountain…. This is called inversion of scales.
Not all elements must be present. Some photographs can be judged on individual characteristics, that is, an image can be about color or texture, or color AND texture, etc.
  • Noise refers to unwanted corruption of color brightness and quality and can be caused by underexposure. It is not a desirable quality and can be grounds for opposition.
  • Symbolic meaning or relevance … Opinion wars can begin here … A bad picture of a very difficult subject is better than a good picture of an ordinary subject. A good picture of a difficult subject is an extraordinary photograph.
Images can be culturally biased by the photographer and/or the observer. The meaning of the image should be judged according to the cultural context of the image, not by the cultural context of the observer. An image "speaks" to people, and it has the capacity to evoke emotion such as tenderness, rage, rejection, happiness, sadness, etc. Good photographs are not limited to evoking pleasant sensations …

You will maximise the chances of your nominations succeeding if you read the complete guidelines before nominating.

Video and audio[edit]

Please nominate videos, sounds, music, etc. at Commons:Featured media candidates.

Set nominations[edit]

If a group of images are thematically connected in a direct and obvious way, they can be nominated together as a set. A set should fall under one of the following types:

  • Faithful digital reproductions of works notable in their own right, which the original author clearly intended to be viewed as a set. Examples: pages in a pamphlet, crops (puzzle pieces) of a prohibitively large scan, a pair of pendant paintings. Not acceptable: Arbitrary selection of sample works by an artist.
  • A sequence of images showing the passage of time. They could depict frames of a moving/changing object or a static object during different times of day or different seasons. Examples: diagrams illustrating a process, steps of a dance, metamorphosis of an insect, maps/drawings/photos of the same subject over the years (frame of view should be more or less the same).
  • A group of images depicting the same subject from different viewpoints, preferably taken under the same lighting conditions when possible. Examples: Exterior and interior of a building, different facades of a building, different interior views, obverse and inverse of a banknote/coin. Not acceptable: A selection of different rooms in a skyscraper, the facade of a church plus an organ, any images of fundamentally different scopes.
  • A group of images which show all possible variations of a particular class of object. Examples: Male and female versions of an animal (preferably in the same setting), all known species of a genus. Not acceptable: A few breeds of cats (unless they share a defining characteristic and represent all possible examples of that).

Simple tutorial for new users[edit]

Tutorial: Nominate on COM:FPC
How to nominate in 8 simple steps









NOTE: You don't need to worry if you are not sure, other users will try their best to help you.

Adding a new nomination[edit]

If you believe that you have found or created an image that could be considered valuable, with appropriate image description and licensing, then do the following.

Step 1: copy the image name into this box, after the text already present in the box, for example, Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Your image filename.jpg. Then click on the "create new nomination" button.

All single files:

For renominations, simply add /2 after the filename. For example, Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Foo.jpg/2

All set nomination pages should begin "Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/", e.g. "Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/My Nomination".

Step 2: follow the instructions on the page that you are taken to, and save that page.

Step 3: manually insert a link to the created page at the top of Commons:Featured picture candidates/candidate list: Click here, and add the following line to the TOP of the nominations list:

{{Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Your image filename.jpg}}

Galleries and FP categories: Please add a gallery page and section heading from the list at Commons FP galleries. Write the code as Page name#Section heading. For example: Commons:Featured pictures/Sports#Individual sports An image will only appear ONE time in the galleries. After a successful nomination, the image can be placed in several of the Featured pictures categories.

Optional: if you are not the creator of the image, please notify them using {{subst:FPC-notice|Your image filename.jpg}} -- ~~~~.

Note: Do not add an 'Alternative' image when you create a nomination. Selecting the best image is part of the nomination process. Alternatives are for a different crop or post-processing of the original image, or a closely related image from the same photo session (limited to 1 per nomination), if they are suggested by voters.


Editors whose accounts have at least 10 days and 50 edits can vote. Everybody can vote for their own nominations. Anonymous (IP) votes are not allowed.

You may use the following templates:

  • {{Support}} ( Support),
  • {{Oppose}} ( Oppose),
  • {{Neutral}} ( Neutral),
  • {{Comment}} ( Comment),
  • {{Info}} ( Info),
  • {{Question}} ( Question),
  • {{Request}} ( Request).

You may indicate that the image has no chance of success with the template {{FPX|reason - ~~~~}}, where reason explains why the image is clearly unacceptable as a FP. The template can only be used when there are no support votes other than the one from the nominator.

A well-written review helps participants (photographers, nominators and reviewers) improve their skills by providing insight into the strengths and weaknesses of a picture. Explain your reasoning, especially when opposing a candidate (which has been carefully selected by the author/nominator). English is the most widely understood language on Commons, but any language may be used in your review. A helpful review will often reference one or more of the criteria listed above.

Unhelpful reasons for opposing include:

  • No reason
  • "I don't like it" and other empty assessments
  • "You can do better" and other criticisms of the author/nominator rather than the image

Remember also to put your signature (~~~~).

Featured picture delisting candidates[edit]

Over time, featured picture standards change. It may be decided that for some pictures which were formerly "good enough", this is no longer the case. This is for listing an image which you believe no longer deserves to be a featured picture. For these, vote:

Text to use Displays as Meaning
{{Keep}}  Keep It deserves to remain a featured picture
{{Delist}}  Delist It does not deserve to be a featured picture anymore.

This can also be used for cases in which a previous version of an image was promoted to FP, but a newer version of the image has been made and is believed to be superior to the old version, e.g. a newly edited version of a photo or a new scan of a historical image. In particular, it is not intended for replacing older photos of a particular subject with newer photos of the same subject, or in any other case where the current FP and the proposed replacement are essentially different images. For these nominations, vote:

Text to use Displays as Meaning
{{Keep}}  Keep Do not replace the old image with the new image as a FP.
{{Delistandreplace}}  Delist and replace Replace the current FP with the proposed replacement.

If you believe that some picture no longer meets the criteria for FP, you can nominate it for delisting, copying the image name into this box, after the text already present in the box:

In the new delisting nomination page just created you should include:

  • Information on the origin of the image (creator, uploader);
  • A link to the original FP nomination (it will appear under "Links" on the image description page);
  • Your reasons for nominating the image and your username.

After that, you have to manually insert a link to the created page at the top of Commons:Featured picture candidates/candidate list.

As a courtesy, leave an informative note on the talk page(s) of the original creator, uploader(s), and nominator with a link to the delisting candidate. {{subst:FPC-notice-removal}} can be used for this purpose.

Featured picture candidate policy[edit]

General rules[edit]

  1. The voting period is 9 complete days counted from the nomination. After the end of this period the result will be determined. Votes added on day 10 and after are not counted.
  2. Nominations by anonymous contributors are welcome
  3. Contributions to discussion by anonymous contributors are welcome
  4. Only registered contributors whose Commons accounts have at least 10 days and 50 edits can vote. Exception: registered users can always vote in their own nominations no matter the account age and number of edits.
  5. Nominations do not count as votes. Support must be explicitly stated.
  6. Nominators and authors can withdraw their nominated pictures at any time. This is done by adding the following template: {{Withdraw}} ~~~~. Also, remember that if more than one version is nominated, you should explicitly state which version you are withdrawing.
  7. Remember, the goal of the Wikimedia Commons project is to provide a central repository for free images to be used by all Wikimedia projects, including possible future projects. This is not simply a repository for Wikipedia images, so images should not be judged here on their suitability for that project.
  8. Rules of the 5th day based on vote counts on day number 5 (day of nomination + 5)
    1. Pictures are speedy declined if they have no support (apart from the nominator).
    2. Pictures are speedy promoted if they have 10 support votes or more and no oppose votes. (Note that if it takes more than five days to reach this threshold, the picture can be promoted as soon as it is reached.)
    3. Once either speedy criterion is reached, the voting period is considered closed, and no more votes may be added.
  9. Pictures tagged {{FPX}} may be removed from the list 24 hours after the tag was applied, provided there are no support votes other than that of the nominator.
  10. Pictures tagged {{FPD}} (FP-Denied) may be removed from the list 24 hours after the tag was applied.
  11. Only two active nominations by the same user (that is, nominations under review and not yet closed) are allowed. The main purpose of this measure is to contribute to a better average quality of nominations, by driving nominators/creators to choose carefully the pictures presented to the forum.

Featuring and delisting rules[edit]

A candidate will become a featured picture in compliance with following conditions:

  1. Appropriate license (of course)
  2. At least seven  Support votes (or 7  Delist votes for a delist) at the end of nine days
  3. Ratio of supporting/opposing votes at least 2/1 (a two-thirds majority); same for delist/keep votes
  4. Two different versions of the same picture cannot both be featured, but only the one with higher level of support, as determined by the closer. Whenever the closer is not sure which version has consensus to be featured, they should attempt to contact the voters to clarify their opinions if not clear from the nomination page.

The delisting rules are the same as those for FPs, with voting taking place over the same time period. The rule of the 5th day is applied to delisting candidates that have received no votes to delist, other than that of the proposer, by day 5. There is also a limit of two active delisting nominations per user, which is in addition to the limit of two active regular nominations.

The FPCBot handles the vote counting and closing in most cases, current exceptions are candidates containing multiple versions of the image as well as FPXed and withdrawn nominations. Any experienced user may close the requests not handled by the bot. For instructions on how to close nominations, see Commons:Featured picture candidates/What to do after voting is finished. Also note that there is a manual review stage between when the bot has counted the votes and before the nomination is finally closed by the bot; this manual review can be done by any user familiar with the voting rules.

Above all, be polite[edit]

Please don't forget that the image you are judging is somebody's work. Avoid using phrases like "it looks terrible" and "I hate it". If you must oppose, please do so with consideration. Also remember that your command of English might not be the same as someone else's. Choose your words with care.

Happy judging… and remember... all rules can be broken.

See also[edit]

Table of contents[edit]

List may contain works considered Not Safe for Work (nudity).

Nominators are requested, out of courtesy, to include the {{Nsfw}} template with such images. Users may select the gadget in user preferences "Deferred display of images tagged with {{Nsfw}} on COM:FPC" to enable the template's effect of hiding the image until selected.

Refresh page for new nominations: purge this page's cache

Featured picture candidates[edit]

File:07492 GER Saxony Dresden stucco ceiling of 'Englische Treppe' V-P.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Nov 2023 at 23:12:15 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.


File:Ancient Temple, Naranag, Jammu and Kashmir, India.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Nov 2023 at 21:11:26 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Main temple, western enclosure, Wangath temple complex, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Architecture/Religious buildings#India
  •  Info Main Shiva Temple (Jyestheswara Temple) at the western enclosure of the sprawling, ancient Wangath Temple complex located in a remote valley deep in the Kashmir Himalayas. The temple complex may be over two millennia old; the current structure (pictured) dates to the 8th century CE. Image created and uploaded by Basavaraj K. Korkar - nominated by UnpetitproleX (Talk) 21:11, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Nominated over a month ago by me, but did not pass for lack of required support votes—perhaps I didn’t correct the dust spot as swiftly as I should have, or didn’t explain its unique historical and geographical context. In any case, nominating a second time. -- UnpetitproleX (Talk) 21:11, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Bolshoy Tkhach, Adygea, Большой Тхач, куэста, Адыгея.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Nov 2023 at 20:33:03 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

View of Bolshoy Tkhach at sunrise, Adygea, Caucasus Mountains.

File:Kathleen Sebelius and Demi Lovato May 2013 (cropped).jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Nov 2023 at 20:03:49 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/People#Standing people
  •  Info S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius presented chart-dominating singer, songwriter, and actress Demi Lovato, Honorary Chairperson of National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day 2013, with an award for her advocacy work on behalf of young adults with mental health and substance use challenges during the Awareness Day 2013 press briefing held at the Theater of the Performing Arts at the University of the District of Columbia Community College on May 7, 2013. Created by SAMHSA - initially uploaded by Stemoc - cropped and nominated by -- 20:03, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- 20:03, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Looks like a normal press photo to me. Unfortunately, it's not quite sharp and the microphone in the background is distracting. I can't see any wow either. Sorry.--Ermell (talk) 20:14, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose per Ermell, but definitely a very good VI if nominated at COM:VIC. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 21:06, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    Good idea! 21:38, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support good to me. Change from the usual church interiors, macros, and landscapes. It also looks more like author was light on the sharpening than misfocus. - Benh (talk) 22:49, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose +1 for what Ermell said --Jay.Jarosz (talk) 03:00, 17 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Saint Christopher Street in Valletta (32711).jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Nov 2023 at 16:22:37 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Saint Christopher Street in Valletta
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured_pictures/Places/Settlements
  •  Info Christopher Street at Ursula Street in Valletta, Malta. I spent some time in Valletta recently and took a lot of pictures trying to capture the unique experience of walking around the capital -- the stone architecture, straight and narrow streets, hilly terrain, and ubiquitous religious iconography (that's St. Roch there on the left, a saint associated with the plague and accompanied by the dog that supposedly healed him). I noticed we have very few photos of Malta, and this one is among the more successful to me personally, so giving it a try here. Will it resonate with anyone else? I'm not sure. all by — Rhododendrites talk |  16:22, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  SupportRhododendrites talk |  16:22, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose if the intent was to emphasize the people coming at the viewer, then I think the framing is too wide. If the intent was to show a panoramic view of the street, then the framing is too tight at the bottom (like you scroll down and it ends to early). It could be interesting to crop much of the sides and get a portrait alternative but then the quality might fall a bit short (it is already quite noisy). I also think it would have been better with the people going away instead. - Benh (talk) 19:50, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    • I very much liked the experience of walking around Valletta, so to clarify my intent, it's very much an attempt to capture my experience of walking around there, highlighting the things I liked in particular (the distinct 4/5-story stone buildings with their varied balconies and architectural details, the religious imagery on every block, the long and narrow steets, always looking slightly upward at the buildings. So I'm less interested in the subjectivity of the people in the frame since all they're really doing is illustrating that this is the sort of place where people exist and often walk down the middle of the street, and I wouldn't want to crop it because the balconies and statues are the point. I feel like it was successful at capturing my experience, but how well that's communicated to another viewer I don't know. There were a couple others that I think were successful, too, but both have quality reasons why I wouldn't nominate them here (some technical shortcomings here and here, as well as an unbalanced comp that probably wouldn't work for most). I don't expect to change your vote but figured I'd response on the subject of intent. — Rhododendrites talk |  20:45, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Weak support The bottom crop is too tight, but otherwise a beautiful image. --UnpetitproleX (Talk) 21:17, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Nice narrow street with special architecture and various featured elements to contemplate, like the green window, the statue in the foreground, the wooden facades, and the walker taken at the right moment -- Basile Morin (talk) 02:06, 17 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Lesser yellowlegs wading (96251).jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Nov 2023 at 16:12:35 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Lesser yellowlegs

File:Rottenburg a.N. - Wurmlingen - Kapellenberg - Ansicht von OSO im April mit Gegenlicht.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Nov 2023 at 14:28:48 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

The Kapellenberg with the Wurmlingen Chapel near Wurmlingen, Rottenburg am Neckar (district of Tübingen) with orchards and vineyards

File:Parque Estadual do Jalapão João Paulo Marques Dandretta (16) edited.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Nov 2023 at 14:01:26 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Dunes at Jalapão State Park, Tocantins, Brazil

File:Järva-Peetri kirikuaed 1 - OlariPilnik.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Nov 2023 at 13:56:26 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Järva-Peetri, Estonia

File:Autumnal Retreat in Old Quebec- A Canvas of Fading Reds and Vibrant Oranges.jpg (delist)[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Nov 2023 at 12:47:58
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.


  •  Info Better colors and removing tree (Original nomination)
  •  Delist and replace -- Wilfredor (talk) 12:47, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Keep The tree is part of the composition. 12:57, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Delist and replace Indeed better. Yann (talk) 14:34, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Keep If we promote photos were major digital landscaping is done, even if it's declared with the {{Retouched}}, I think we're on a slippery slope. I know that Wilfredor is no stranger to improving his photos, 1 and 2. Slightly altered colors on a FPC is frowned upon. To me this removal of large "irritating parts" of the photo is just as bad. Nominations where an unfortunate sign, parked can or blurry human mess up the composition, (all mobile objects) are frequently not featured because the author wants to stay true to the scene. Removing whole trees, on FPCs or FPs, is not ok for me. The trees here embed the house in the forest, and it looks great. --Cart (talk) 15:23, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I have always been sincere but we cannot control what others do, if we prevent large alterations in the photos, someone will still make them whether we want it or not and it will be impossible to identify that there was an alteration on the original --Wilfredor (talk) 17:49, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
That is probably true, and I think it has already happened many times and we haven't discovered it, but just because it exists doesn't mean we have to encourage it. It's getting harder and harden to see what is genuine photos or computer-enhanced photos. I see the photo without the trees in the same light as I saw the photo with an added moon. Remove something big or add something big, and it's no longer a true representation of the subject. --Cart (talk) 18:23, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Keep In a small size, the new version is for sure more appealing. In full size, however, several distortions appear as a result of the removal of the tree. A picture with those defects would had never been accepted as a featured image. Why should we substitute the original one? --Harlock81 (talk) 18:28, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Delist and replace -- Karelj (talk) 19:17, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Keep The new photo should fail at FPC if nominated. It's very poorly stitched above the house, with a very unsharp area. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 20:56, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Keep Personally I don't have any qualms with structural modifications to images, as long as they are i) clearly declared (which I think is the case for this image); and ii) well done (which is not the case). Wilfredor, I assume you have used Adobe's AI generative fill for this? Currently it doesn't work well with high resolution files. Instead, try to generate individual 2,000 x 2,000 pixel areas. --Julesvernex2 (talk) 22:03, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Picãozinho, João Pessoa (PB).jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Nov 2023 at 11:35:29 (UTC)
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File:Santa Maria in Vallicella church in Rome (18).jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Nov 2023 at 07:37:51 (UTC)
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Guglielmi pipe organ in the Santa Maria in Vallicella church in Rome, Lazio, Italy

File:Ruins of the St Peter church in Viana (2).jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Nov 2023 at 07:35:46 (UTC)
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Portal of the Saint Peter church in Viana, Navarre, Spain

File:Water reflection of clouds and Luang Prabang cityscape from Wat Long Koon evening Laos.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 25 Nov 2023 at 01:15:04 (UTC)
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Water reflection of clouds and Luang Prabang cityscape from Wat Long Koon evening Laos

File:Evora - Cathedral - Dome, Roof.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 24 Nov 2023 at 17:36:32 (UTC)
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Roof of Évora Cathedral


Voting period ends on 24 Nov 2023 at 16:00:38 (UTC)
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  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Natural#Brazil
  •  Info Aerial view of the Iguazu Falls. Iguazu (in Spanish) or Iguaçu (in Portuguese) Falls are waterfalls of the Iguazu River on the Argentina–Brazil border. Together, they make up the largest waterfall system in the world. Created and uploaded by Enaldo Valadares - nominated by -- 16:00, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- 16:00, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Comment I'm afraid that the quality is not up to FP, ArionStar. Some areas look really blurry/distortion, look at the platfrom over the falls or the upper area on the bottom right. Maybe the chopper surface had some uneven areas. Poco a poco (talk) 18:42, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose. Very low quality. The picture was taken through an airplane window or from a drone with a dirty lens. Distortions caused by water droplets or other impurities on glass are all over the image.  podstawko  ●talk  10:30, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  I withdraw my nomination 11:35, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Frankfurt vom Goetheturm.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 24 Nov 2023 at 15:10:10 (UTC)
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View of Frankfurt am Main

File:Upholstering the seats of your own car, Margarita Island, Venezuela.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 24 Nov 2023 at 14:25:11 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/People#People_at_work
  •  Info After a period of reflection, I have decided to resubmit a photograph for consideration. This time, I portray a person in the process of sewing the upholstery of their car in Venezuela. In an era marked by scarcity and poverty, people are compelled to repair their own vehicles. The image I share with you was taken ten years ago and reflects an aspect of the lives of Venezuelans; back then, there was still hope for a better future. I have taken into account and corrected the feedback provided on a previous nomination. I hope you can appreciate this photograph from a human perspective, looking beyond the technical details, considering that it is a shot from a decade ago.. All by -- Wilfredor (talk) 14:25, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Very authentic and charming photograph. Yes, we could make up many possible moans and complaints (face in shadow etc.), but that’s just normal for documentary photographs of daily live – it cannot be perfect in a technical sense. The light from the window gives it a really nice atmosphere. I like that the focus is on his hands and it’s also OK that his left hand shows a little motion blur – after all this is a craftsman at work, he is working with his hands. Maybe one could make the photo a little bit brighter, but it’a also realistic as it is. --Aristeas (talk) 18:38, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Very good to me. Well composed, and shows a man's resourcefulness. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 19:31, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support I really like the colours. And as Aristeas said, very authentic and charming. I also admire how there is the normal clutter of a room where work is done and yet nothing really distracts from the main motive. --Kritzolina (talk) 20:14, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Comment Interesting picture even if I'm not convinced it could become FP. However, the description is way too short on the image page. Maybe, you could explain more about it like you did here. --Selbymay (talk) 22:16, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
✓ Done --Wilfredor (talk) 22:28, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Venezuelan Wilfredo's shots are always impeccable; vide Category:Featured pictures of Venezuela by User:Wilfredor! 22:49, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --imehling (talk) 17:32, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support I want to reward you with my support for various reasons: You were skilled in straightening a less than perfect image using a smart crop, you were even more skilled in recovering the overexposure present in the window of the image taken 10 years ago, but what I like most, it's the sensitivity in portrait shots where you manage to put others at ease. --Terragio67 (talk) 19:50, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Thanks Terragio67 for your recognition of my work, and yes making people feel comfortable is not an easy task, it is necessary to approach people and stay with them for a long time until they get used to your presence. In this case, I have known this person for many years, so it was easy to start a conversation about something everyday. I remember that day as if it were yesterday, he started talking to me about how good an upholsterer his father was and how he had left him that sewing machine as a gift, yes, he was talking about my grandfather who had already passed away. He is my father, I have not been able to see him again for 10 years thanks to the dictatorship in Venezuela. Another FPs related:
I have taken other photos that are related to my personal life that would surely be FP, but I cannot upload them because they represent a very crude reality, very difficult to assimilate, I have had to delete those photos. I write this without the intention of creating drama or political discourse. --Wilfredor (talk) 23:26, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Nebbia e nuvole sulla campagna in Rignano sull'Arno - Frazione Bombone.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 24 Nov 2023 at 12:01:29 (UTC)
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Fog and clouds over the countryside in Rignano sull'Arno - Frazione Bombone

 InfoFog and clouds over the countryside in Rignano sull'Arno - Frazione Bombone - The band of fog rises from the Arno river which flows in the Valdarno valley. The distant mountain is the Pratomagno of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines. The typical vegetation of the area are olive trees and vineyards.

  •  Oppose. The vista point you picked is great, and the view is breathtaking. I wish I could be there. The photo is of very low quality though: despite many pixels, there is no detail when you zoom in. The contrast is too high, and the automatic or manual attempts at sharpening made the leafs in foreground trees uneasy to look at. Also, as a photographer I would position myself in such a way as to avoid the big utility pole in view. Or clone it out in post-processing.  podstawko  ●talk  13:07, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Agree with podstawko about everything except the utility pole -- I actually like that juxtaposition in the composition. Unfortunately the image is way too oversharpened for me to be able to support it. The trees are painful to look at --Jay.Jarosz (talk) 19:29, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose per Jay. The trees are oversharpened and there is a lack of details in the distance, even allowing for the foggy conditions. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 19:32, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Overprocessed and oversharpened. --SHB2000 (talk) 20:44, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Overprocessed and low quality -- Basile Morin (talk) 01:20, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  I withdraw my nominationI withdawn(⧼Anna Massini alias PROPOLI87⧽) (talk) 09:08, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Anna.Massini(⧼Anna Massini alias PROPOLI87⧽) (talk) 09:08, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:African Wild Dog Standing Lupande Jul23 A7C 06146.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 24 Nov 2023 at 08:25:01 (UTC)
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African wild dog (Lycaon pictus), Upper Lupande GMA, Zambia

File:Abbazia di Santa Maria del Monte - Interno - Cesena (Italy).jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 23 Nov 2023 at 18:36:22 (UTC)
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Internal view of the Santa Maria del Monte Abbey, ancient Benedictine monastery located on the Spaziano Hill in Cesena, Italy.
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured_pictures/Places/Interiors/Religious_buildings#Italy
  •  Info The Abbazia di Santa Maria del Monte is an ancient Benedictine monastery located on the Spaziano Hill in Cesena, Italy. The monastery has a rich history, and it is home to a statue of the Madonna, which was brought there in 1318. Inside the abbey there are frescoes and works of art of historical value from the 15th and 16th centuries and beyond. Created, uploaded and nominated by Terragio67 -- Terragio67 (talk) 18:36, 14 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Terragio67 (talk) 18:36, 14 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose The low angle is interesting, but the important elements around the altar are not clear. --Tagooty (talk) 02:54, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    ✓ Done Thanks for your comments. I uploaded a new version using the DPP4 Canon software (moving the option Faith to Fine). Now, the image should be a little bit darker but detailed and slighty sharper than in the previous one. Let me provide you with some additional information, my camera was 24 meters from the stairs and 36 meters from the altar and the marble that can be seen around the altar is fake: it is painting done by skilled italian Renaissance artists. (Please, clear your cache to see the new img). --Terragio67 (talk) 05:30, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • Much better! Can you improve the over-exposed Virgin Mary in the centre? --Tagooty (talk) 10:22, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    Sure, but I have to blend an identical image underexposed in the center. To do this I just uploaded a new HDR version. Terragio67 (talk) 15:10, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    The exposure of the Virgin Mary and surroundings are better but lacking in detail. I appreciate the work you've done to improve the image, I'm sorry that it does not appeal to me sufficiently to support either alternative. Tagooty (talk) 13:23, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose. I don't find this image engaging, and I don't understand why you decided to shoot it this way. The frog's perspective is unjustified, the interesting altar disappears dominated by walls, and if anything catches attention here it is the shiny floor.  podstawko  ●talk  11:32, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    Hello Podstawko, to see the details of the base of the Altar, it is necessary to go to the upper part of the Abbey, above the 18 steps. Instead, to take this shot I moved just outside the central main entrance, where there are other steps going down. The lowest angle I used allows you to see much of the Renaissance work above the altar very well. This was my intent. Terragio67 (talk) 15:19, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Alternative HDR Image[edit]

Internal view of the Santa Maria del Monte Abbey, ancient Benedictine monastery located on the Spaziano Hill in Cesena, Italy.
  •  Info The Santa Maria del Monte Abbey was founded around the year 1001 and completed in 1026. In 1177, he welcomed Emperor Frederick Barbarossa as a guest, who gave him his full protection. The monastery has a rich history and is home to a statue of the Madonna, which was brought there in 1318. During the Renaissance in Italy, it began to take on the appearance it has today; in fact, inside the abbey there are frescoes and works of art of historical value from the 15th and 16th centuries and beyond. The lower angle chosen to take the shot, allows you to see part of it. A curiosity: the colored marbles visible around the altar are fake, they are paintings created by skilled Renaissance artists. Created, uploaded and nominated by Terragio67 -- Terragio67 (talk) 15:07, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Terragio67 (talk) 15:07, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Neutral Exposure is fine, detail and composition are borderline to me. --Tagooty (talk) 13:24, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Tranquil and interesting church interior. The composition/crop is unusual, of course, but it’s true that the low point of view allows us to see more of the Renaissance frescoes (?) above the altar, so this composition has its merits. --Aristeas (talk) 14:06, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support--Agnes Monkelbaan (talk) 15:15, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support 15:21, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Come on guys. The bar is super high for our church interior. No way we are saying this is as good as what we have. Where to start? No wow. Don't think the angle is wide enough for a church interior. Very unsharp. Very unfortunate and distracting horizontal bars, which are going through the supposedly interesting paintings. Camera on the floor making the benches more prominent than they should... - Benh (talk) 15:44, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose as per Benh. --Yann (talk) 16:43, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Jenneria pustulata 01.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 23 Nov 2023 at 11:07:56 (UTC)
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Shell of a Jenner's Cowry

File:Bloemknop van een Rudbeckia fulgida. 24-08-2023 (actm.) 02.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 23 Nov 2023 at 05:22:39 (UTC)
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File:Casa de Leighton, Londres, Inglaterra, 2022-11-26, DD 04-06 HDR.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Nov 2023 at 22:00:44 (UTC)
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Leighton House, London, England
  • BigDom: I'm not sure what you mean, I believe that the chandelier rope is straight, but hte chandelier is a bit off-centered. Poco a poco (talk) 21:15, 14 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose off centered - Benh (talk) 21:25, 14 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Still more than impressive. --Aristeas (talk) 10:04, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose. Yes. The chandelier clearly shows the photo is skewed, and it is difficult to get past that. It would have been amazing otherwise.  podstawko  ●talk  13:10, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Alu (talk) 15:07, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- The chandelier being off center doesn't bug me as much. Too mesmerised by all the other details and textures. I stop and pause every time I see this photo. --Jay.Jarosz (talk) 19:35, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Beautiful shot. --Selbymay (talk) 22:00, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support per Jay.Jarosz. -- Radomianin (talk) 13:14, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Bronze casting at Kunstgießerei München 01 - cropped.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Nov 2023 at 18:33:47 (UTC)
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An artisan is checking on the temperature of liquid bronze before a bronze casting

File:Lessay Abbaye Bas-côté sud 2022 08 22.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Nov 2023 at 18:27:09 (UTC)
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Romanesque south aisle of Lessay Abbey, Manche, France

File:Redshank on a pole.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Nov 2023 at 11:15:32 (UTC)
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Common redshank (Tringa totanus) perched on a pole. Taken in 'Het Noordervroon', Westkapelle, Netherlands.

File:017 Great blue turaco at Kibale forest National Park Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Nov 2023 at 06:58:53 (UTC)
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Great blue turaco at Kibale forest National Park

File:Damage in Gaza Strip during the October 2023 - 45.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 22 Nov 2023 at 03:01:15 (UTC)
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  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/People#Others
  •  Info A smiling Palestinian infant receiving treatment at the overcrowded emergency ward of Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City following an Israeli airstrike on October 11, 2023. Created by Wafa (Q2915969) - uploaded by Batoul84 - nominated by -- 03:01, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Peacemaking support This moving image reveals a baby's innocence in the face of the horrors of war. The guideline part "[…] strong mitigating reasons" for low resolution is perfectly applicable in this striking case. BTW, it's clearly a POTY finalist. -- 03:01, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    I just  Support. 16:15, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Jay.Jarosz (talk) 07:27, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Low resolution & one-sided propaganda. — Draceane talkcontrib. 07:52, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
@Yann: What is your opinion about this vote, based on this comment --Wilfredor (talk) 10:12, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
To make my vote clear: I don't trust Wafa at all ( …the organization is viewed an arm of the Palestinian government, rather than an independent agency…) Simply, the quality of the image don't override possibly biased content. — Draceane talkcontrib. 11:30, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Gathering images for a neutral encyclopedia means that we need good images from ALL sides in conflicts. This includes photos taken by both biased and neutral photographers. This is what we've always done (History started one second ago.) And we should process them by and by as we get them. We don't need to get one from each side at the same time to keep some sort of balance. Today there is a photo from Wafa, and tomorrow we might get one from the Israeli military (I'm sure there ar equally emotional photos from them too). We should collect the images and sort/review them only by their quality, not political sides. --Cart (talk) 13:01, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Question - 1) I see nothing in the description indicating this child should be described here as "smiling". Is that just based on the impressions of FPC participants? People make faces that look like smiling while crying, of course. 2) This is listed as "own work" by Batoul84, but also attributed to Wafa. Batoul84, could you confirm that you took this photo (for Wafa)? Perhaps the "own work" just needs to change? — Rhododendrites talk |  14:09, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • Decidedly mixed feelings here (because of the context as well as the photo). I agree with Cart that we absolutely should feature moving photos as we come across them. My only concern with featuring something that could be called "propaganda" is if it has the effect of deceiving the viewer, minimizes suffering, casts a group of people as less than human, or otherwise could be considered mis/disinformation or hateful. I don't think this falls into any of those, although I am unsure of whether it should have a star. If the goal is documenting historical events, I think we have other images that do this better. If the goal is documenting a human moment in the context of such an event, it may succeed, but it seems like this relies on provided context of a smiling child in a horrific moment ... and I'm just not sure that's what I see? Maybe it's just me. Holding off on voting to think more/get other opinions. — Rhododendrites talk |  14:09, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Comments like these surfaces every time someone nominates an image from a new/ongoing conflict. Perhaps we can't remain as objective as we should while we are caught up in the swirls of impressions from the event. We are better at analysing photos from say WWII and the Vietnam War; also time has often provided enough info about the photos as well as sifted out what images remain as important. Perhaps we should only gather the images now and put them on hold for FPC for say a year, when we can review them with clearer minds and more info? Just a thought.
+1 on questioning the image narration (as well as the pumped-up "Peacemaking support" and these unnecessary POTY predictions) made by the nominator. To me the baby looks like it's crying. --Cart (talk) 14:29, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I also think the WikiProject has enough data storage space, to document both historic events and the human moments in them. --Cart (talk) 14:37, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose I have looked and pondered and looked and pondered. I don't want to add to the very difficult discussion on the context. I will only talk about the picture. It is moving, but it is not a techically excellent image. And I don't mean just the relatively low resolution. I don't want to go into too many details, as it is surely almost impossible to take excellent images under these conditions. Still - the crop of the feet, the blurry hands ... this just is not an FP for me, sorry. --Kritzolina (talk) 18:16, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Could do without all the side comments. Small size but intriguing photo and framing gives plenty of context of what's happening. - Benh (talk) 18:57, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Karelj (talk) 16:21, 14 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Alu (talk) 17:08, 14 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Wilfredor (talk) 19:36, 14 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Below average from a technical point of view. Other points of view could be assessed more objectively if the conflict were over. Therefore, the timing of the candidacy is unfortunate. --Milseburg (talk) 15:20, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Per others. --Palauenc05 (talk) 10:41, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose per Draceane and others --George Chernilevsky talk 19:42, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  I withdraw my nomination 20:04, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Панорама «Японський» манеж.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 21 Nov 2023 at 17:06:43 (UTC)
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"Japanese" manege

File:Porto Covo January 2022-1.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 21 Nov 2023 at 16:10:17 (UTC)
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Setting sun and crepuscular rays in Porto Covo, west coast of Portugal
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured_pictures/Natural_phenomena#Sun
  •  Info After a long break, I come back with a risky nomination (the kind I prefer!). Yes, most sunsets are equally beautiful but some are more equal than others; I believe this is one of them. I went through all FPs of sunsets/sunrises and realized that the subject is no longer popular. Of the 34 entries, the last is from 2019 and only 4 were promoted after 2015! All by Alvesgaspar (talk) 16:10, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Alvesgaspar (talk) 16:10, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Oh, there have been plenty of sunsets and sunrises promoted since then, but these days they are mostly in the galleries of the place they were taken at. While you were gone, a lot has happened with the way Galleries and FP Categories are organized. Go to Category:Sunsets and click on the little icon tool for viewing FPs (or QIs, VIs, Media). That way you can see most of them. Or visit Featured pictures of sunsets or Featured pictures of sunrises. Recently promoted examples of shooting straight into the sun: 1, 2, 3, 4. --Cart (talk) 17:59, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
 Comment Excellent, all of them! -- Alvesgaspar (talk) 19:46, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Sabella pavonina - Hippocampus hippocampus - Porto Cesareo, Italy (DSC2314M).jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 21 Nov 2023 at 14:30:52 (UTC)
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Seahorse and fanworms
The quality of finalists in any "Wiki loves..." competition varies. The "Wiki loves.." entries are reviewed in different ways from other criteria than Commons FPs (and QIs) are. Photos that didn't make the final top in "Wiki loves..." can become FPs on Commons, while the finalists might not. --Cart (talk) 14:02, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
So can I make proposals of FPs of pictures found in it? I have identified at least 20 pictures found in "Wiki loves ..." that are stunning and would deserve to be submitted as FP.
And they are clearly more impressive than some recent proposals. Ndiver (talk) 14:22, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Yes, you can propose any image you find on Commons at FPC. :-) But to stand a chance here, they have to be of excellent quality, so look at them carefully before making a nom. The "Wiki loves..." competitions usually have lots of really good images, and there are some users who go and search for them and nominate them here, but most of the FPC participants are more interested in nominating their own photos. ;-) More users who go through the photos from the competitions are very welcome! --Cart (talk) 14:54, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Winter in Beskid Śląski mountains, Ochodzita, Silesia 01.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 21 Nov 2023 at 13:05:03 (UTC)
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Winter in Beskid Śląski mountains, Ochodzita, Silesia

File:Memmelsdorf Schloss Seehof Lindenallee-20231101-RM-115618.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 21 Nov 2023 at 11:33:14 (UTC)
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Avenue of lime trees in the park of Seehof Castle

File:Red Mill Clinton October 2021 003.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 21 Nov 2023 at 07:59:27 (UTC)
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Red Mill, Clinton, NJ

File:Luis Alvarez with a magnetic monopole detector - Restoration.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 21 Nov 2023 at 01:15:55 (UTC)
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Luis Walter Alvarez

File:Ambigram Nothing written.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 21 Nov 2023 at 00:48:25 (UTC)
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Ambigram Nothing written
  • Agree it's written 🖋 something, but in reality nothing is "written" :-) Basile Morin (talk) 14:30, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    "Now he [Michele Besso] has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That signifies nothing. For those of us that believe in physics, the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." –Albert Einstein. --SHB2000 (talk) 10:11, 14 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Giles Laurent (talk) 07:06, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support tbh I'm not familiar with the "Non-photographic media" category, but I love the symmetry of the way these two words are written. --Jay.Jarosz (talk) 07:39, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • The gallery was chosen by W.carter and I agree it is appropriate. I think "Non-photographic media" includes paintings, printings, computer-generated works and all visuals that are not specifically photographic. Thanks! -- Basile Morin (talk) 14:30, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support--Agnes Monkelbaan (talk) 10:09, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Nice idea but I can't help but see "Nottiny written" every time I look at this, sorry Basile. BigDom (talk) 10:12, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Comment I believe this is a montage i.e. the left word was cut, copied, flipped and pasted over the blank piece of paper on the right? If so, it seems worthwhile to identify it as such (e.g., 'Photomontages' category and 'Retouched picture' template) --Julesvernex2 (talk) 10:14, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    I assumed it was computer-generated to look like pencil, but maybe you're right. If so, then agree. BigDom (talk) 10:22, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Nice ambigram! Maybe a tad underexposed? - Benh (talk) 10:57, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • Giving depth to the background (and volume to the texture) was intentional, but my goal was above all to preserve contrast with text color. Is the blue distinguishable or do we see nothing? :-D -- Basile Morin (talk) 14:30, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    • if the paper is white, it is definitely underexposed. It looks grey on the photo. It's a common mistake to underexpose photo with a dominant white context (because some metering modes will average across all the frame).
    Benh (talk) 18:48, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • Thanks for your remark, with which I totally agree. However, the paper was not white. I would say it was this color, but the intensity of the tint (to the eye) clearly depends on the light, of course -- Basile Morin (talk) 00:40, 14 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Peking Lastenfahrrad-20110104-RM-102214.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 20 Nov 2023 at 08:08:47 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Defective cargo bike parked in a subway in Beijing
Clearly a case of De minimis imo. The poster is a very small part of the images and mostly hidden behind text.--ArildV (talk) 14:34, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Not de minimis and will without doubt be deleted when nominated for deletion. The poster is definitely a part of the composition and not small. Pity. You could save the picture by blurring the photo, though. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 17:22, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
 Comment IMHO the photograph is certainly de minimis. Almost nothing is visible. RodRabelo7 (talk) 01:40, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I can see it very distinctly even as a thumbnail. Maybe we need to request deletion and see how the closing admin rules. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 02:12, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I'm not a copyright expert but has really De minimis to do with whether the protected object is clearly visible or not? If we look at our own examples; Pyramid clearly visible, Tower clearly visible and clearly visible? But I am happy to nominate the image again when the copyright status is investigated. I don't think the image has a fair chance now. Regards--ArildV (talk) 09:19, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
This is addressed in Commons:De minimis#Guidelines. I see this photo as being beyond category 5, but the "keep" argument is that it's category 5. Could we have an advisory opinion of an admin like User:Yann, or do we need to test this by requesting deletion? -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 01:14, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
IMO this is pretty clearly de minimis. The compositional reason for including the display is for the text above, which is below COM:TOO China as "simple factual information" (COM:NOP China). The poster is just intrusive advertising (COM:DM #2). -- King of ♥ 09:49, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I agree with KoH above. We could blur the lower part of the poster, and the picture would retain its meaning. That's a clear test for de minimis. Yann (talk) 13:47, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
OK, thanks for your opinions, and sorry for the digression. I've been spending a lot of time at COM:Deletion requests, so these questions are very present in my mind. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 18:52, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Moral support and I hope that the photo does not get deleted. It would be morally disappointing if we would have to delete this charming photo because of that small, ugly, badly designed poster. --Aristeas (talk) 18:30, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --MZaplotnik(talk) 16:58, 16 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Smn Cameron-SecofWar.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 19 Nov 2023 at 16:43:50 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Simon Cameron, United States Secretary of War, between 1860 and 1870

File:092 Wild Mute swan in flight at Lake Geneva during golden hour of sunset Photo by Giles Laurent.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 19 Nov 2023 at 15:52:44 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Wild Mute swan in flight at Lake Geneva during golden hour of sunset

File:Manarola NW Cemetery Corniglia Monterosso Cinque Terre Sep23 A7C 06872.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 19 Nov 2023 at 13:17:16 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Cinque Terre coast NW of Manarola, Italy
  • @Ermell: Thanks -- I've corrected a slight tilt in the horizon. Please see the new version. --Tagooty (talk) 11:35, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Beautiful and typical view. – Hint: At the bottom left is now a white triangle (probably from rotating); cropping the image sligthly at the left should remove it. --Aristeas (talk) 16:16, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • No problem, it’s easy to overlook such small points. Thank you! --Aristeas (talk) 08:49, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support 02:02, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support--Agnes Monkelbaan (talk) 10:06, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • Weak  Oppose Very nice colors and clouds, but the composition doesn't work for me. You have a strong off-vertical line in the lower right third, but it doesn't lead anywhere; it doesn't connect with the hills in the background because the sea cuts it off, and it doesn't connect with the sea because it's not facing the same way. -- King of ♥ 03:52, 14 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose I'm with KoH here, the bottom crop looks unbalanced, sorry Poco a poco (talk) 18:38, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Hampi - Hazara Rama Temple - Wall Reliefs.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 19 Nov 2023 at 10:17:50 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Relief in Hazara Temple
  •  Support.--Vulcan❯❯❯Sphere! 00:40, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Comment The current crop does not seem optimum to me. The lower left corner is cut off, the lower right corner is distracting, and the upper side is cut off / bothering / useless -- Basile Morin (talk) 00:43, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Agreed 100% with Basile. Was going to write the same but he beat me to it :D --Jay.Jarosz (talk) 07:28, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Square crop

File:Dunmanus Bay from Dun Lough.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 19 Nov 2023 at 10:09:35 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Dunmanus Bay as seen from Three Castle Head
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Natural#Ireland
  •  Info created, uploaded, nominated by  Podstawko  ●talk  10:09, 10 November 2023 (UTC).Reply[reply]
  •  Neutral. I'm abstaining from voting as the author. The image depicts the westernmost part of Dunmanus Bay as seen from Dun Lough lakes. It was taken taken from almost the tip of the Three Castle Head, with the camera facing east, soon after sunrise. Dunlough lake on the right-hand side. No-name lake on the left-hand side. Coosfoilycroneen, Coosheenatowick ocean inlets -- parts of Dunmanus Bay -- visible in distance. The unsharp part at the bottom is deliberate to increase the sense of depth.  Podstawko  ●talk  10:09, 10 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support — Draceane talkcontrib. 14:02, 10 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Really nice to look at. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 16:11, 10 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Breathtaking landscape, but I don't understand why F/5 with a 120mm focal length. I think F/11 would be the minimum (even if it means increasing the ISOs) to bring more details in the foreground -- Basile Morin (talk) 00:34, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    Thank you @Basile Morin for commenting and supporting. The wide aperture was a personal and deliberate decision to stress the impression of depth (see description above). I did make attempts with smaller apertures and the end result did not convey what I felt when standing there.  Podstawko  ●talk  08:42, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support.--Vulcan❯❯❯Sphere! 00:39, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support But maybe a little bit lighter would have been a little nicer.--Famberhorst (talk) 05:52, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Impressive! I'm struggling with the blurred foreground. This is not really helpful or necessary for the impression of depth in this motif. --Milseburg (talk) 10:09, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Ermell (talk) 10:20, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support--Agnes Monkelbaan (talk) 10:59, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Aristeas (talk) 16:17, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support A little bit dark but nice place and I don't mind the foreground at all. BigDom (talk) 19:08, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support The wow factor wins here. 02:01, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Great picture and I don't want to nit-pick, but geocode would be useful --imehling (talk) 17:56, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    Thank you for voting and commenting @Imehling. Do you know if I can add the geocoding info without uploading a new version? If I need to upload a new version, I'll wait until the voting is over. And yes, I agree, geocoding info in images makes them way more useful.  Podstawko  ●talk  11:30, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    Quite simple. Just add them to the Summary field. Copy the template from one of the pictures with geocode. You can pick up the coordinates of your picture from google map (and you can also use decimal format for them) imehling (talk) 16:47, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    Done. With many thanks for the advice @Imehling. If you have any tips on how to preserve coordinates all the way from the camera (which sets them for me) through mixed Lightroom and PS pipeline all the way to Wikimedia upload (where they are lost somewhere on the way), I'd love to hear.  Podstawko  ●talk  21:56, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
    The coordinates are part of the metadata of the picture. You should be able to view them with lightroom and to find out at which point of your processing pipeline you lose them. imehling (talk) 17:16, 14 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Aufbau der Republik-panorama.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 18 Nov 2023 at 12:05:33 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

GDR-era Mural in Berlin
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Architecture/Exteriors#Germany
  •  Info All by -- Fernando (talk) 12:05, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Fernando (talk) 12:05, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Comment Nice composition and interesting communist mural, but I feel like it could be sharper toward the left and right sides. You might be able to achieve that in post-processing, in which case I'll be happy to take another look. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 19:07, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
     Comment If you are looking into it, please also reduce the purple CAs at some of the outer vertical lines. Thank you! --Aristeas (talk) 19:27, 10 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Benh (talk) 23:12, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Jay.Jarosz (talk) 07:30, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Welcome to FPC, Fernando! 01:58, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --imehling (talk) 17:59, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support--XRay 💬 20:12, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support--Agnes Monkelbaan (talk) 10:04, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support but please consider Ikan and Aristeas' comments above. BigDom (talk) 10:16, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose I’m sorry to be the bad guy, but someone must say it. Even the left part of the photograph is a little bit soft, and the sharpness seriously decreases to the right. For a static subject we can expect more sharpness and detail resolution. There are also some purple CAs at the outer vertical lines. (I can help you with removing them if you want.) It also does not help that the light of the illumination changes its colour substantially – cold and greenish at the left, warmer in the centre, greenish again at the right. (This is no reproach, of course, but it does not help the photo.) I am very sorry, --Aristeas (talk) 09:30, 15 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Mary White Ovington.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 18 Nov 2023 at 08:05:03 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Mary White Ovington
  • I'd want the chiaroscuro to make the blouse darker than the face. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 22:41, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --Yann (talk) 12:38, 10 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Question I'm new here and wondering is there any guidance on how these older photos are to be critiqued? I've seen people go quite strict on quality for newer images for sharpness, noise, artefacts, etc that this image would fail. At what time period do we drawn the line? And should we also be adjusting judgement of photos based on the camera used? (i.e. be more lenient on older cameras vs new top of the line ones?) --Jay.Jarosz (talk) 07:43, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • Quality has to judged according to the technics used, and available at the time. All argentic pictures have some grain. Yann (talk) 10:35, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Ikan’s point is very good … But after looking a few times at the photo in full size, it really impresses me somehow, the chiaroscuro works even if the face in shadows is against all my visual habits. Maybe because the photo shows Mary White Ovington reading, and it works very well as a depiction of the deep contemplation of a reader. --Aristeas (talk) 08:53, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --MZaplotnik(talk) 17:39, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Radomianin (talk) 13:45, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Corcovado sunset silhouette.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 18 Nov 2023 at 07:57:05 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Rio de Janeiro’s Christ the Redeemer statue seen from Sugarloaf Mountain during sunset.
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Architecture/Cityscapes#Brazil
  •  Info created by Jay.Jarosz - uploaded by Jay.Jarosz - nominated by Jay.Jarosz -- Jay.Jarosz (talk) 07:57, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Jay.Jarosz (talk) 07:57, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Strong support Wow! A beautiful POTY candidate! 08:30, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • I still see quality issues on the edges looking like JPEG or other compression artefacts after we discussed offline. However, I really like the juxtaposition of the spiritual vs the technological, so I'm giving it a lukewarm  Support.  Podstawko  ●talk  08:32, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support(⧼Anna Massini alias PROPOLI87⧽) (talk) 09:51, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Anna.Massini(⧼Anna Massini alias PROPOLI87⧽) (talk) 09:51, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Great idea. Too bad it was poorly realized. Heavily reworked, artifacts, unnatural color. Compare the original image with the current version. The grid structure of the masts is barely recognizable. Sorry, but for "excellent" everything has to be right. Je-str (talk) 10:44, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
     Question Thank you for the feedback. Can you please clarify the unnatural color comment? This is the version where I retained the natural colors. I have another variation where I play with the temperature and tint and it's much prettier and more colorful but not accurate so I didn't use it. And yes there are technical challenges with shooting something many kilometers away in low light so it's not going to be perfect but I think solid enough under the circumstances? Even today's Photo of the Day, which was taken under more favourable daytime conditions, has very visible compression artefacts in the sky. Jay.Jarosz (talk) 13:35, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • @Jay.Jarosz (talk) OK, I revise "unnatural color". The perception of color is indeed very subjective. About the artifacts: The masts look very processed (oversharpened), almost like a graphic. Likewise the mountain flanks. Please compare this Panoramic with a very good distant view. Look how sharp the wind turbines are: Dreisberg 15km away, Allberg 18km away, Großer Ahlertsberg 33km(!) away. And: "Picture of the day" is not to be confused with "excellent". --Sorry Je-str (talk) 19:59, 10 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • @Je-str Thank you, and yeah I also prefer the less sharpened masts but feedback I got from others, like during QI review, showed a preference for sharpened masts + noise reduction and this was the result. I'm happy to revert to less sharpened if that's the consensus here. The panorama example shared is a daytime shot so the quality is not comparable to nighttime photography. If you have good examples of nighttime distance shots I would be happy to learn from them. All POTD come from FP, so they are the most "excellent" of the "excellent" using your terminology ;) And even then, these most excellent of the excellent have artefacts sometimes so seems like it's not a deal breaker if we are to be consistent with judging criteria. Jay.Jarosz (talk) 07:10, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Some things bother me a little, but it is been overiden with the wow factor. Kruusamägi (talk) 13:23, 10 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support.--Vulcan❯❯❯Sphere! 00:39, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support --RodRabelo7 (talk) 01:44, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support I’d wish there was less sharpening on the masts, but else it looks like a classic silhouette photo to me, and the juxtaposition of the statue and the masts is too good. --Aristeas (talk) 08:55, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support Very cool idea. Dan Leonard (talk) 03:29, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Info File update: reduced sharpening on the masts. Thanks everyone for the support! 🧡 --Jay.Jarosz (talk) 07:17, 13 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Romaška, 2023-04-23, ERM - 03.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 17 Nov 2023 at 20:07:52 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Estonian gypsy dance ensemble Romška performing
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/People#Events
  •  Info created & uploaded & nominated by Kruusamägi (talk) 20:07, 8 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Support -- Kruusamägi (talk) 20:07, 8 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose Quite beautiful, but the disembodied knee on the left is no good, the top crop might be acceptable but the bottom one seems too close to me, and even things in view that wouldn't have moved are not sharp. I think this is a valuable image and should be nominated as such at COM:VIC if it's the most valuable image in its scope. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 07:56, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Question Why not crop the left side? I don't see why it should be wider than the right side. To be fair, though, I should say that I wouldn't support, anyway, per my other remarks. In terms of the other photos, I like File:Romaška, 2023-04-23, ERM - 02.jpg best, though I'm not sure it's an FP. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 20:19, 10 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I'd like to have some room on the left side. I think it looks better that way.
I personally like this, but I don't think it could ever get the votes. Kruusamägi (talk) 17:47, 11 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

File:Casa de Leighton, Londres, Inglaterra, 2022-11-26, DD 13-15 HDR.jpg[edit]

Voting period ends on 17 Nov 2023 at 07:51:16 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Leighton House, London, England
  •  Support 19:30, 8 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Oppose The exposure looks to be more on the outside and it is another unproperly perspective adjusted photo. The kind of sight we stumble across often in European castles and this one doesn't really stand out in my view. Nice framing of the ceiling. - Benh (talk) 21:32, 8 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  •  Comment I quite like the feeling of relaxed domesticity of the curtains, light and view outside the window, but it doesn't seem right to have a small bit of a chair in the photo. I think you saved the wrong version. But isn't the solution to crop out the chair, rather than clone it out? The view you show should be one that a visitor could see, and visitors are surely not allowed to move antique chairs out of the way. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 08:08, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • Oops, now I uploaded the right version where I finished the cloning. In my opinion whether the chair is 10 inches further to the right or the the left is accidental, so I don't think that cloning it out is wrong. I could also crop it but then the crop at the ceiling will get worse. Poco a poco (talk) 22:25, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Timetable (day 5 after nomination)[edit]

Sun 12 Nov → Fri 17 Nov
Mon 13 Nov → Sat 18 Nov
Tue 14 Nov → Sun 19 Nov
Wed 15 Nov → Mon 20 Nov
Thu 16 Nov → Tue 21 Nov
Fri 17 Nov → Wed 22 Nov

Timetable (day 9 after nomination, last day of voting)[edit]

Wed 08 Nov → Fri 17 Nov
Thu 09 Nov → Sat 18 Nov
Fri 10 Nov → Sun 19 Nov
Sat 11 Nov → Mon 20 Nov
Sun 12 Nov → Tue 21 Nov
Mon 13 Nov → Wed 22 Nov
Tue 14 Nov → Thu 23 Nov
Wed 15 Nov → Fri 24 Nov
Thu 16 Nov → Sat 25 Nov
Fri 17 Nov → Sun 26 Nov

Closing a featured picture promotion request[edit]

The bot[edit]

Note that the description below is for manual closure, this is mostly not needed anymore as there exists a bot (FPCBot) that counts the votes and handles the process below. However after the bot has counted the votes a manual review step is used to make sure the count is correct before the bot again picks up the work.

Manual procedure[edit]

Any experienced user may close requests.

  1. In Commons:Featured picture candidates/candidate list click on the title/link of the candidate image, then [edit].
    Add the result of the voting at the bottom (on a new line with a space first)
    {{FPC-results-reviewed|support=x|oppose=x|neutral=x|featured=("yes" or "no")|gallery=xxx (leave blank if "featured=no")|sig=~~~~}}
    (for example see Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:The Bridge (August 2013).jpg). See also {{FPC-results-reviewed}}.
  2. Also edit the title of the candidate image template and add after the image tag
    featured or not featured
    For example:
    === [[:File:XXXXX.jpg]] ===
    === [[:File:XXXXX.jpg]], featured ===
  3. Save your edit.
  4. If it is featured:
    • Add the picture to the list of the four most recently featured pictures of an appropriate gallery of Commons:Featured pictures, list as the first one and delete the last one, so that the number is four again.
    • Also add the picture to the appropriate gallery and section of Commons:Featured pictures, list. Click on the most appropriate link beneath where you just added it as one of the four images. An image should only appear ONE time in the galleries. After a successful nomination, the image can be placed in several of the Featured pictures categories.
    • Add the template {{Assessments|featured=1}} to the image description page.
      • If it was an alternative image, use the subpage/com-nom parameter: For example, if File:Foo.jpg was promoted at Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Bar.jpg, use {{Assessments|featured=1|com-nom=Bar.jpg}}
      • If the image is already featured on another wikipedia, just add featured=1 to the Assessments template. For instance {{Assessments|enwiki=1}} becomes {{Assessments|enwiki=1|featured=1}}
    • Add the picture to the chronological list of featured pictures. Put it in the gallery using this format: File:xxxxx.jpg|# - '''Headline'''<br>created by [[User:xxxxx|xxxxx]], uploaded by [[User:xxxxx|xxxxx]], nominated by [[User:xxxxx|xxxxx]]
      • The # should be replaced by 1 for the first image nominated that month, and counts up after that. Have a look at the other noms on that page for examples.
      • You may simplify this if multiple things were done by the same user. E.g.: File:xxxxx.jpg|# - '''Headline'''<br>created, uploaded, and nominated by [[User:xxxxx|xxxxx]]
    • Add == FP promotion ==
      {{FPpromotion|File:XXXXX.jpg}} to the Talk Page of the nominator.
  5. As the last step (whether the image is featured or not; including {{FPX}}ed, {{FPD}}ed and withdrawn nominations), open Commons:Featured picture candidates/candidate list, click on [edit], and find the transclusion of the nomination you've just finished closing. It will be of the form:
    {{Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:XXXXX.jpg}}
    Copy it to the bottom of Commons:Featured picture candidates/Log/November 2023), save that page, and remove it from the candidate list.

Closing a delisting request[edit]

  1. In Commons:Featured picture candidates/candidate list click on the title/link of the candidate image, then [edit].
    Add the result of the voting at the bottom (on a new line with a space first)
    '''Result:''' x delist, x keep, x neutral => /not/ delisted. ~~~~
    (for example see Commons:Featured picture candidates/removal/Image:Astrolabe-Persian-18C.jpg)
  2. Also edit the title of the delisting candidate image template and add after the image tag
    delisted or not delisted
    For example:
    === [[:File:XXXXX.jpg]] === becomes === [[:File:XXXXX.jpg]], delisted ===
  3. Move the actual template from Commons:Featured picture candidates/candidate list to the bottom of the actual month page on Commons:Featured picture candidates/Log/November 2023.
  4. If the outcome was not delisted, stop here. If it is delisted:
    1. Remove the picture from Commons:Featured pictures, list and any subpages.
    2. Edit the picture's description as follows:
      1. Replace the template {{Featured picture}} on the image description page by {{Delisted picture}}. If using the {{Assessments}} template, change featured=1 to featured=2 (do not change anything related to its status in other featured picture processes).
      2. Remove the image from all categories beginning with "Featured [pictures]" (example: Featured night photography, Featured pictures from Wiki Loves Monuments 2016, Featured pictures of Paris).
      3. Remove the "Commons quality assessment" claim (d:Property:P6731) "Wikimedia Commons featured picture" from the picture's Structured data.
    3. Add a delisting-comment to the original entry in chronological list of featured pictures in bold-face, e. g. delisted 2007-07-19 (1-6) with (1-6) meaning 1 keep and 6 delist votes (change as appropriate). The picture in the gallery is not removed.
  5. If this is a Delist and Replace, the delisting and promotion must both be done manually. To do the promotion, follow the steps in the above section. Note that the assessment tag on the file page and the promotion tag on the nominator's talk page won't pick up the /replace subpage that these nominations use.

Manual archiving of a withdrawn nomination[edit]

  1. In Commons:Featured picture candidates/candidate list click on the title/link of the candidate image, then [edit].
    In the occasion that the FPCbot will not mark withdrawn nominations with a "to be reviewed" template and put them in Category:Featured picture candidates awaiting closure review just like if they were on the usual list, put the following "no" template:
  2. Also edit the title of the candidate image template and add after the image tag
    not featured
    For example:
    === [[:File:XXXXX.jpg]] ===
    === [[:File:XXXXX.jpg]], not featured ===
  3. Save your edit.
  4. Open Commons:Featured picture candidates/candidate list, click on [edit], and find the transclusion of the nomination. It will be of the form:
    {{Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:XXXXX.jpg}}
    Copy it to the bottom of Commons:Featured picture candidates/Log/November 2023), save that page, and remove it from the candidate list.